Last week we had a club meeting.
A mini self love and collage night. One of the Snail Days Club rules is to carry a kind home. Be a source of love, kindness and goodness for yourself. Be a kind place to return to. Writing ourself self love poems and making art that we can carry in our pockets was a perfect ode to that.
I really do love writing myself love poems. It is a practice that came to me as Snail Days did. Needing to adjust my pace, the way I was meeting myself. Poetry is such a soul level way to tap into self love energy. Especially when writing for yourself, It asks you to slow (snail vibes), get present, be aware of yourself in a loving way, to be vulnerable.
And the impact of learning to be in that energy with yourself? It's empowering & tender.
An invitation
While we will definitely be holding this workshop again in the future, I wanted to share my favorite self-love poem structures and examples of what it could sound like.
Encouragement to read through the types of poems, pick one that feels right and write yourself a love poem.
Acrostic Self Love Poem
Limerick Self Love Poem
Self Love Haiku
Self Love Cinquain
Self Love Free Verse Poem Prompts
If you feel comfy, I would lllooooovveee to hear what you write. Tag me :) @snaildaysclub
I am excited for you to cultivate more self love!